A Blog about the Blog

If you’re going to do something, you might as well do it right.  This has been a principle of mine most of my adult life.  If my name is associated with a project, then my personal standard is excellence.
This is Biblical as well.  One of my favorite versus is 1 Corinthians 10:31,

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

God deserves our very best efforts.  We are, after all, his children and members of his Kingdom.  We are his representatives in all that we do.
With that in mind, I have decided to make some improvements to this blog.  I have sought the counsel of my pastor, the elders of our church, and my wife.  All agreed that this is from the Lord and gave me the green light to proceed.

Why the change?

I am currently using Google’s blogging site, Blogger.  It’s fine to start, but is very limited in terms of formatting, design, and overall control of the blog.  Sometimes I spend almost as much time formatting as I do writing.  Blogger also has fewer tools available to reach more people, which is the whole point of this blog to begin with.
When I first got diagnosed back in May 2013, I promised God that if He healed me, I would tell the world.  God keeps his promises to me; I plan to keep the promise I made to Him

I will not die; instead, I will live to tell what the lord has done. (Psalms 118:17 NLT 

What will change?

The biggest change, which will be mostly transparent to the reader, is that I’m moving the blog from Blogger to a self-hosted WordPress site.  “Self-hosted” means I’ve bought a domain name and created a web page that I manage and own.  Instead of jeffreydcole.blogspot.com, the blog will exist at www.jeffreydcole.com.
This isn’t a vanity thing, but by using my name in the website name is the best way for those who have heard about my story to search and find the site.
I know, your eyes are probably glossing over by now.  But this change will make the blog more professional and allow me to reach more people and share how God is working in my life.
There are costs associated with maintaining a website.  They are minimal, but to cover them I intend to include appropriate, subtle advertisements and affiliate links. 
Please let me be clear: my intent is not to profit financially from this.  But, as my friend said when I asked him about this, “What better way to stick a thumb in the devil’s eye?”


What’s Next?

For now, nothing has changed.  The new site is still under construction, but you can check it out at jeffreydcole.com.  It will take me several weeks to finish. Once it goes live, then anyone who visits the current site will automatically be redirected to the new page.
In the meantime, I would really appreciate your feedback by completing an anonymous, simple, four question survey.  
Click here to take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZJMDB3J
Or, you leave a comment below.
I sincerely appreciate all of you who support my family and me through prayer and other ways.  The road to recovery is still a long one. God is healing me, make no mistake, but the devil still fights a lost war.  My latest ailment is significant pain in my esophagus when I eat and drink, but just as the Lord has thwarted the enemy’s previous schemes, so will this one come to pass.
I intend to keep writing as the long as God tells me to, and I want to do it with excellence so others will see His glory.  If you find it worthy, please keep reading and sharing this blog so that the world will know of the great things He has done.

Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.  Colossians 3:23 NLT


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